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If you are experiencing some of the map to be missing or you cant see textures then -Lower your Texture Quality From Very High / High to Normal -Or get a better internet connection to the server / Upgrade your graphics card - However upgrading dose not guarantee that it will fix your problem the best option is to have your game on a SSD including GTA and have lowest possible graphics Banned? Well go to #how-to-apply and file an appeal (note, if your appeal is accepted you may not appeal again if banned)

To become a public cop please read #👮🏾♂community-cop

Here's a quick fix for the textures issue: While In-Game, Press 'P' for Pause, or 'Esc', go to the Settings Tab > Graphics > Texture Graphics > Turn them down to 'Normal' > Restart game. And that should do the trick. If you encounter the following error message: "Can't join Server, make sure Discord is running". Close FiveM, close Discord, re-open Discord, re-open FiveM, and you'll be good to go. Make sure you update Discord (you can check at the top right corner of your Discord window for the Green arrow) if it needs to be updated. How to register in CAD: Go to #deleted-channel click on the Link in the Channel, proceed to Sign Up, once signed up, if the community has not been added to your profile, search "Blaine County Department of Justice RolePlay", join the community, once you join it, you will go to "Identifiers" on the left side of the webpage, you can create a random one, for example: "CIV-##" (2 numbers).

Proceed to then go to 'Patrol', click on 'Civilian' then click 'Next', choose the server, and click 'Next' then proceed to choose your 'Identifier" and click on Patrol. A new page will load, with a small pop-up screen that says at the bottom 'Create new persona', click on that, and proceed to creating your persona. Registering in the CAD system will help you in increasing your RP experience, as well as registering cars, medical record, and licenses. If you are stuck in the sky after selecting a spawn point. Press P to open the map and double click on the map to mark a location. Then close map press F1 and go to Misc Settings and click Teleport to way-point. Try it a few times if it doesn't work. Getting the Error “Failed to connect to server after 3 attempts”. Well here are some common solutions: 1: Server is full keep trying 2: Close Steam and Discord with Task Manager, Reopen Steam then Discord and try again 3: Still not working? Try something as simple as YouTube and if you have no luck make a Support Ticket in #support-tickets Did die while filling up fuel? and now your stuck? •Open your map place a waypoint. •Press F1 > Misc options > Teleport To Waypoint. Did someone RDM/VDM You or FRP in your RP? Here's how to deal with it. •Respawn ( Do Not revive ) •Call staff by using /ooc need staff got "RDMed/VDMed Etc." or /report "ID Of Rule Breaker" "Reason For The Report" [ Example: /report 269 RDM And VDM ] •Wait for staff and explain what happened and share proof if you have any

[8:44 PM]

[ The point is do not take things in your own hands and break rules yourself by self reviving or RDMing the rule breaker ] /Report isn’t as Handy as in Game Chat as some Staff don’t have Second Monitors and if they do like me we usually are keeping our eye on other things instead of Report Channel Did a staff member abuse there powers and or abused/threated you? Here's a few tips: •Know there rank and discord name [ Example: Admin Bill Joe Freeman#2366 ] •Get solid proof, with no proof of what you are saying it will be really hard to do anything. •Reach The right people, You need to get to the right people that can help you, you need to make a ticket #staff-complaint •Don't lie, if you lie about anything it will get your case dismissed and maybe worse. Got a recommendation on a common problem that needs to be added here? DM me. For lights and sirens on keyboard. Here are the keybinds: Q: Lights ALT: Siren R: Switch Siren R without hitting ALT: Blip siren R while holding E: Secondary siren How to fix chat glitch on phone: Click U Settings Mouse Control - On Click on chat bar were the arrow is and spam enter until it goes away You can then reverse your settings back to keyboard control and your chat will be fixed! OR just hit f6 and type something hit enter and BAM! fixed If you are stuck in the sky after selecting a spawn point. Press P to open the map and double click on the map to mark a location. Then close map press F1 and go to Misc Settings and click Teleport to way-point. Try it a few times if it doesn't work. How do I get media team role? Ask a management and send them a stream link to do so!



©2020 by Florida DOJ RolePlay.

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